Dr. Michelle Thong

Dr Michelle Thong graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery (with Honours) from Monash University. She completed her radiology training at Alfred Health and subsequently perused an MRI fellowship at the same hospital. Dr Thong has since remained an integral part of Alfred Health as a Consultant Radiologist, focusing on neuroradiology and plexus imaging.
Throughout her consultant career, she has maintained work in both private and public radiology including her tenure at Epworth Richmond before joining Vision Radiology. Her head & neck interest extends to: brachial plexus imaging where she collaborates closely with clinicians in the delivery multidisciplinary care and assessment of these patients; and CT parathyroid (4DCT) working in tandem with endocrine surgeons to improve pre-operative localisation to improve patient outcomes.
Her other areas of interest more broadly include MRI, including musculoskeletal studies.

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