Dental Imaging
OPG (othropantomogram) and Lateral Ceph (Lateral Cephalogram) is a low dose X-ray of the teeth and Jaw. This helps your dentist evaluate
problems such as; cavities, tooth decay and impacted teeth.
What is an OPG and Lat Ceph?
An OPG is a panoramic x-ray which displays the jaw, teeth and sinuses. An OPG can help demonstrate the number of teeth as well as their positions and growth.
A Lateral Ceph is an X-ray that demonstrates the side of the face and is used for accurate measurements of the top and bottom jaw (maxilla and mandible).
How do I prepare for a dental X-ray?
There is no specific preparation required for this scan. You may be required to remove any jewellery, hair clips or metal objects in the region of the head and face.
How long will it take?
A dental x-ray scan can take up to 5-10 minutes
Do I need an appointment?
No, you do not require an appointment for a dental x-ray scan. You can walk in at any time that works for you.
How do I receive my results?
Our specialist radiologists will report the findings of the scans and send them to your doctor or dentist within 48 hours. It is very important to follow up with your doctor or dentist so that they can explain the results to you.

We offer accessible services by bulk billing almost all examinations and procedures. To find out more, visit our billing information page.
Complete our booking form and one of our friendly staff will contact you – it’s quick, and easy. Click on the below link and follow the simple steps. Remember to have your referral handy.